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da Lucy per Tutti
da chica
Ciao Lucy,
I've read your story and I must say that we both have much in common. I'm a spanish girl, 18 years old. I hope it doesn't matter if I write you in english, my italian is not very good. So, coming to the point: I'm also a girl with a lot of friends, a girl who cares about her environment, someone who likes people a lot.. but till last year I had nevera boyfriend. I was worried about this, but at the same time I didn't want to go with the first who walked around me. All this changed when one night I met a very special boy, who drives me crazy!! I'm so in love now...
So I think that a story like mine will also happen to you. Don't obsess yourself, you have time and choices.
Good luck, and if you want to, write me back! (I also understand italian)!!
Besos, con afecto!!
2 settembre 2004
da xloveyou83
Tranquilla che sola nn ci resti, abbi pazienza.. la forza e l'amore che c'è nelle tue parole ti aiuteranno. Anch'io ho 20 anni e nn ho mai avuto la ragazza.. arriverà il momento anche x noi prima o poi no??
2 settembre 2004
da Sarah
...non ho dato il primo bacio a 21 anni ed è stato bellissimo, forse anche più di quanto sarebbe stato se fosse accaduto prima... devi solo avere un pò di fiducia!
2 settembre 2004
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