
da marianna per giancarlo

ciao stronzooooo xche nn sei altro ke questo ti ho amato nn cl cuore ma cn l'anima e a te di me nn te ne mai importato un'accidenti mi fa pena xche dici ke sono io la bambina pero non ti rendi conto di quando sei tu bambino xche i problemi neanche li sa affrontare e ne risolvere li risolvi solo via sms. e nn ci riesci a parlarne a tu x tu. cmq credevo ke eri un duro ke sapeva risolvere i problemi invece mi sono sbagliata di grosso xche se un idiota. speriamo ke tutto il dolore ke tu hai fatto a me un giorno si possa rivoltare contro te e ho capito ke sei un ragazzo ke cerca solo quello e dopo averlo ottenuto se ne f**te di quella ragazza kmq sei un lurido porco ke non sa amare firmato da marianna da catania cn la col di giulia e mattias

15 ottobre 2004 - Catania

Categoria: Sfoghi

da *s*T*a*R*

Look around, the writing's on the walL
Don'T you think We'Re alL Feeling Crazed
iN a worLd, where nothing'S as iT seeMs
Paved With broken dreams, I found truth
My God, I should know you're right
I should know it's right to say I thank you for my days Come around and see the other side
Stepping stones, away from the limelight
Come around and breathe in piece of mind
And for it all, I thank you, I thank you Sit down, lose yourself in though,
Then you might find out it's all we've got
Take a chance, the future's in your hands
Make it what you can before your time has reached the end
Stepping stones, away from the limelight
Come around and breathe in piece of mind
And for it all, I thank you, I thank you
Come around and see the other side
Stepping stones, away from the limelight
Come around and breathe in piece of mind
And for it all, you you'll make it -on your own.

Yeah, y0u'Re Free... SteppiNg sToNeS, aWay FroM tHe LiMeLiGhT! Come aRouNd, aNd bReaThe iN PieCe oF mind, AnD 4 iT aLL I ThaNk *y*0*u*

The CaLLinG
ThaNk *y*0*u*

16 ottobre 2004

da *s*T*a*R*

Look around, the writing's on the walL
Don'T you think We'Re alL Feeling Crazed
iN a worLd, where nothing'S as iT seeMs
Paved With broken dreams, I found truth
My God, I should know you're right
I should know it's right to say I thank you for my days Come around and see the other side
Stepping stones, away from the limelight
Come around and breathe in piece of mind
And for it all, I thank you, I thank you Sit down, lose yourself in though,
Then you might find out it's all we've got
Take a chance, the future's in your hands
Make it what you can before your time has reached the end
Stepping stones, away from the limelight
Come around and breathe in piece of mind
And for it all, I thank you, I thank you
Come around and see the other side
Stepping stones, away from the limelight
Come around and breathe in piece of mind
And for it all, you you'll make it -on your own.

Yeah, y0u'Re Free... SteppiNg sToNeS, aWay FroM tHe LiMeLiGhT! Come aRouNd, aNd bReaThe iN PieCe oF mind, AnD 4 iT aLL I ThaNk *y*0*u*

The CaLLinG
ThaNk *y*0*u*

16 ottobre 2004