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L'invio delle risposte è gratuito, le informazioni del mittente sono opzionali.
Dedica a cui stai rispondendo
Sometimes when the rain falls,or when i'm feeling really sad,or if i get lonely,or i've behaved real bad..sometimes when i've fallen,scraped my knee and bruised my pride,
in the distance you'll be calling,and running by my side..i'll been hugged by you, i'll feel better through and through,cause i've been hugged by you, i wish you knew how much i love being hugged by you..
Olsen twins - hugged by you
ti dedico qst song xk é cantata da 2 gemelle, proprio cm noi, e xk t voglio 1 bene k neanke t immagini. sei la mia special twin.. tv1k8db =)
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